Thursday, December 25, 2008


hacsak nem diéta
hacsak nem balzsam
hacsak nem megelõzõ

A Deniplant tea többszörös kisérletek utján jött létre. Giurgiu Gheorghe feltaláló pszoriázisban szenvedett 17 évvel ezelött. A betegség súlyossága és a gyógyszerek hatástalansága késztették a feltalálót hogy kisérletezzen többféle gyógynövény kombinációt ameddig a végleges összeállitást megtalálta. Használva ezt a teát a leziók 2 év alatt eltüntek és soha nem jelentek meg többet még akkor sem amikor az illető nagy stresszen ment keresztül (az esetek kb. 90%-ban a stressz váltja ki a betegséget)
1994-ben Gheorghe Giurgiu megalapozta a Speranta (Remény) alapitványt a pszoriázis kezelésére amelyik jelenleg 500 esetet számol a betegség visszafejlödésében és a betegek 85% -a meggyógyult.
1997-ben a Deniplant tea megkapta az aranyérmet a nemzetközi Inventa kiállitáson, Bukarestben.
2005-ben a Deniplant terméket beiktatták az OSIM egyesületbe.
OSIM- felfedezéseket akreditáló (jóváhagyó) egyesület.
30 gr. Termesztett és vadon nőtt gyógynövények nem szennyezett helyről .
Ezeket Gheorghe Giurgiu gyűjtőtte össze.
Használati utasitás:
Egy liter vizbe tegyenek egy tasakocska gyógynövényt. Hozzáadható egy citrom (100-150 gr) hajason, felszeletelve. Főzzük addig amig 750 ml marad (a főzési idő 15-20 perc miután felfőtt a viz).
Miután kihűlt, kivesszük a citromot, izlés szerint édesitjük cukorral vagy mézzel (inkább mézzel). Ha cukrot használunk akkor egyszerre tegyük bele a gyógynövényekkel a vizbe hogy együtt főljenek fel.
Ezt a 750 ml több részben meg kell inni a nap folyamán. Ugyancsak aznap meg kell enni a citromot is. Ezt mindennap meg kell ismételni.
Ha ugy döntött,hogy használja a teát a következőket vegye figyelembe:
Nem kell diétázni a tea használatakor és nincs ellenjavalata sem.
Külsőleg nem kell használni a krémeket amit eddig használtak. Ha nem tudja kihagyni a krémeket akkor használjon akármilyen kozmetikai krémet ami nem tartalmaz orvosságot.
Szükséges, hogy leszoktassuk a szervezetet ezekről a krémekről. Ha a kozmetikai krém nem használ, ahol nagyon muszály használhatjuk a megszokott krémet párhuzamosan a kozmetikai krémmel de csak nagyon vékonyan és nagyon ritkán.
Ne vakarozzanak és ne tépjék le a képződőtt hámsejteket. Maguktol kőnnyen leesnek ahogy haladnak a gyógyulás felé. Ha hozzányúlnak meghosszabitják a gyógyúlás folyamatát és megtőrténik hogy elterjedjenek a leziók.
Mindennap tusolhatnak de ne súrolják erőssen a bőrt száritáskor.
Több információért a következő telefonszámok hivhatók:
021/2338973 vagy
postai hivatal:0721960169

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Deniplant -te di piante medicinale-
La salute prima di tutto
“Ero malato di psoriasi e con l'aiuto delle piante ho guarito.
Senza regime,senza unguenti solo piante medicinale”
1. Psoriasi
Psoriasi e una malattia di pelle,abbastanza frequente ,per quale ancora non si e trovato trattamento neanche adesso nel terzo millennio.
La malattia non e contagiosa,e po comparire a qualsiasi eta,anche durante l'infanzia. La sua evoluzione e cronica,con tendenze di recidiva a diversi intervalli di tempo.
Elementi specifici nella manifestazione della malattia ,consistono in croste rosa ,croste coperti da spessi,stratificato e luminose. Appaiono un po simmetrico ,con iniziale predilezione per ginocchia ,gomiti,cuoio capelluto,che si trova come una forma de la malattia .In tempo pero sono catturate anche le altre regioni del corpo come (torace,addome,membri superiore e inferiore come una forma di psoriasi generalizzata.
Al solito sono usati come trattamento al livello locale unguenti,creme,soluzioni,cortisone,acido salicilico etc. Essi fanno effetto piuttosto rapidamente,dopo preparati con cortisone,pero risolvono il problema solo in superficie,per che a pochi giorni dopo l'interruzione del trattamento le croste tornano ancora piu intenso. Questo e il motivo per cui questi pazienti sono continuamente costretti a utilizzare questi preparati,che hanno effetti collaterali indesiderati.
Utilizzando del te Deniplant,brevettato da signor Giurgiu Gheorghe,presidente della fondazione”Speranza”abbiamo raggiunto dei miglioramenti anche dai primi mesi di utilizzo del te e la scomparsa de la psoriasi dopo 6 -12 mesi. Deniplant puo essere utilizzato da solo ,senza unguenti a livello locale o dieta.
Il trattamento con Deniplant anche se e a lungo termine e facile de utilizzare a casa,e ben tollerato e fino ad ora non ci sono stati segnalati effetti collaterali indesiderati. Tanti pazienti sono passati alla sua fondazione. Egli possa dimostrare che il Deniplant funziona veramente e da i risultati attesi.
Nonostante che la medicina dice che questa malattia sarebbe incurabile con Deniplant ci sono persone che hanno guarito.

2.Psoriasi e l'eredita
Per mantenere la salute e la giovinezza,a vivere al di sopra della media attuale eta,e necessario rispettare le seguente frasi”l'essere umano deve vivere in armonia con l'ambiente circostante e io rispetto le sue regole rigorose. L'uomo deve essere oggetto di natura,non la natura umana deve essere l'oggetto”.Qualsiasi deviazione da tale regola, rompe l'armonia di esistenza all'interno e al di fuori del corpo umano e si tratta di malattie che verificano la causa che porta la sofferenza fisica ed emotiva.
Secondo le statistiche la psoriasi non e ereditaria ma ci possono essere ereditate predisposizioni .Fino ad oggi nessuno sa ancora quali sono i fattori genetici che portano a questa malattia. Certo e che quelli che soffrono di questa malattia possono magari trasmettere questa predisposizione ai figli. Se durante la vita questi passano momenti speciali(trauma fisico,mentale di stress ecc)e il corpo e debole dal punto di vista di sistema immunitario,si rischia di scatenare la malattia.Ho incontrati anche pazienti ad esempio madre e figlia(figlio),malati o zio e nipote. Ho incontrato anche un caso in Targu Mures dove il nonno e il nipote avevano psoriasi ,e il padre del bambino non ha la malattia. Tuttavia, la maggior parte dei pazienti che ho visto e mi hanno parlato non avevano parenti in famiglia con questa malattia. La vostra domanda e che ce da fare in questo caso?Per rispondere a queste domande posso dare il proprio esempio. Sapendo che ho avuto questa malattia ho introdotto nell'alimentazione della mia figlia Denis, il te Deniplant Kids anche da quando aveva 6 mesi per che sapendo quello che o patito io non volevo che magari un giorno arriva a avere anche lei dei problemi .Cosi ,la mia figlia fino a l'eta di 14 anni,oltre alle vaccinazioni obbligatorie non ha seguito alcun trattamento con antibiotici. Invece mi e capitato di conoscere persone che avevano i figli piccoli di 2 – 3 anni e utilizzavano potenti trattamenti antibiotici per sbarazzarsi rapidamente della malattia. E bene pesare due volte che tipo di trattamento si sceglie soprattuto quando si tratta di un bambino.
3.Casi studiati
Se si desidera entrare in contatto con quelli che attualmente usano il te Deniplant si po fare accedendo FORUM
Casi da valutare:
Elia R-60 anni,pensionato Buftea
“Ho iniziato il trattamento con te Deniplant del Sig.Giurgiu dopo anni in cui sono stata tormentata dalla malattia psoriasi. Le lesioni hanno raggiunto l'80% della superficie corporea. Non pensavo che qualcosa mai sara in grado de guarire la malattia. Tutti dicevano che ce l'avro per sempre. Ma ,sorpresa!!!Non e stato davvero cosi.
Dal 2003,quando ho iniziato a bere il te Deniplant ,ho abbandonato gli altri trattamenti con unguenti e la dieta che l'ha facevo da anni .Da allora mi sento bene. Le lesioni sono scomparse in proporzione del 98%.Adesso ho un paio di punti sul addome,dove sono state le lesioni e spero che a breve spariranno anche gli ultimi segni della malattia.

Ana B, pensionato 58 anni di Bucarest
“Io sono un vecchio paziente,che patisce questa malattia dal 1980.La prima volta mi sono curata con unguenti comprati dalla farmacia. Ho fatto sessioni con raggi UV e ancora non sono riuscita a sfuggire alla malattia. In piu le lesioni sono apparse anche sul corpo e l'intero cuoio capelluto. Trovando l'esistenza del te Deniplant da un'amica che e stata malata e si e trattata,ho appellato al Sig.Giurgiu.
Seguendo questo trattamento con te di piante naturale,senza dieta e senza unguenti per piu di 3 anni sono riuscita a scappare delle lesioni che erano sul corpo e di una parte di quelle che si trovavano sul cuoio capelluto. Anche se ci sono ancora delle lesioni sono decisa a seguire questo trattamento per che fin ad ora e l'unico a dare buoni risultati”
Dan B.48 anni,Bucarest,Giurista
“Nel 1997,andando in Dermatologia e mi e stato detto che ho la psoriasi sul cuoio capelluto .Sapendo che il mio ex collega Giurgiu e stato malato della stessa malattia e si e guarito con il te Deniplant,sono andato da lui direttamente senza seguire i classici trattamenti che me li ha prescritto il dermatologo. Ho bevuto Deniplant per 4 mesi, mesi in cui le lesioni sono progressivamente scomparse. Poi ancora un mese ho tenuto il trattamento pero alternando. Bevevo il te una volta a 2 giorni,e a fine di questo mese la malattia e scomparsa e non e tornata mai piu. Sono stato molto soddisfatto di questo trattamento,in particolare per quanto non e stato difficile seguire e per che non ho dovuto seguire una dieta o usare unguenti e varie pomate.”

Friday, April 25, 2008

Deniplant for Psoriasis in Franta -

merci de m'indiquer le prix du DENIPLANT en euros et des frais de
 Quelle est la procédure pour commander ?

the treatement with Deniplant for 30 days cost 150 lei (42 euro) +
30 euros the mail taxes for expedition
so for a motnh of treatement you have to send us 72 euro
for 2 months 114 euro for 3 months 156 euros.
For receiing the pack with Deniplant you have to send us the money by
Western Union

After the expedition of money you have to send me the name of the
expeditor and the address from where you send the money, your address,
the amount of money sent and the code of the transaction.
after receiving the money we send the plants along with the way of

The address where you have to send the money is:


for other detailes please visit..

Gheorghe Giurgiu

Monday, February 25, 2008


Dear Mr Giurgiu,
Isend you today money for a three months treatment -156 â‚Ź,
With western union.
Control number is
My address is
E. B.
Waiting for your shipment
E. B.


today i got the money and also today the pack left with the plants for you.
You will receive a big envelope ( by post, airplane) where i put the doses of plants.
I also attached the receipe from the post with which i've made the sending
I didn't put in the envelope the way of using the tea so you will read it from here:

It is the first licensed thea of medicinal plants, from Romania for the
treatment of internal cause of some skin sickness.
It is a powder witch was obtained from medicinal plants.
Psoriasis, Erythematosus lupus
Zona Zoster, Keratoses
Deniplant is for intern use in exclusivity.
It is preparing 750 ml of mixture witch is drinking everyday step by step.
There are not.
The medicinals plants are not toxics
There are not in a long time for using (2-3 years)
In report with the evolution of the disease in treatment. Generally,
between 6 months and 2 years.
Without diet or other restrictions.
Without ointment or other medicines for intern or extern use.
The recipes is this one:
In a 1000 ml of water put the 1 dose with plants and a lemon with
it’s skin. You boil it at small fire until there will be 750 ml.
After it gets cold( you let it from evening to morning) you take the
plants and the lemon, you sweet it with sugar or honey(preferably honey).
If you use sugar you put it in the water before boiling so it could pass
through boiling.
You will drink all the tea during the day step by step. Also in that day
you must eat the boiled lemon.
Every day you will repeat the treatment.
Without diet or other restrictions. If you had a diet you will have to
give up step by step in the time when you start the treatment with plants.
Without ointments or other medicines for intern or extern use. You must
give up ointments. As fast as better. If you don’t resist without
them , it can be possible, you will use at the beginning a cosmetic cream
without medicaments. If the cream isn’t too good you will use just
strict, the ointment you used before.
The healing is realised only by drinking the tea and healing the intern
Don't scratch the lesions. They will fell on their own easier. Every
time you get on them you long the healing time. You can shower every day but don't scratch the lesions.
tel.:+40 21/2338973: or
+4 0744827881

Friday, February 15, 2008

Psoriasis in CANADA

-------Message original-------

 De : S... M...

 Date : 2008-02-11 21:04:51
 A :
 Cc : Jean Kittel

 Sujet : Commande du Thé Deniplant par S.... M...


 Je souffre du problčme de psoriasis et j’ aimerais me procurer votre thé
 pour moi, ma fille et mon amie.
 J’ aimerai savoir quel quantité nous avons besoin pour chaque personne et
 combien de temps devons nous faire ce traitement afin de guérir cette
 maladie ? Y-a-il plusieurs étapes a faire ?
 Aprčs la guérison faut-il prévoir une récidive du psoriasis ?
 De quelle façon pouvons nous se le procurer ? Quel est le prix de ce thé ?
 Quel serait le coűt du transport ?
 Quelles sont les moyens de payer ce produit.?
 J’ aimerais le payer par la poste. ‘ COD ’ (CASH ON DELEVERY)
 Nous sommes situé au Canada dans la province de Québec.

 Veillez, agréer Monsieur, mes sentiment distingué

 S.. M....

  Québec, Canada,

 Tél : 1.(450) .................


Le temps du traitement avec le the est variable , le temps dépend du
reponse de chaque organisme, different come les personnes, dans le
premier mois du traitement vous verrez comme votre organisme repond a la

En fin d’utilizes le the , il n-ont ete plusieurs cas de recidive
parce que vous termine le consummation du the depuis tous les problemes
aussi dans l’exterieur comme dans l’interieur sont eliminees.

Une boite de the pour une mois du traitement pour une personne coute 40 EUROS
Le coutes du transport est 30EUROS
si vous voulez le achetez pour trois personne/ traitement pour une mois
vous devez payes: 3*40+30=150 EUROS

Le moyens de payer que nous utilisons sont MONEY GRAM or WESTERN UNION
en avant vous devez nous envole l’argent a notre addresse et depuis
nous envoyons le the .

pour d'autre information s'il vous plait visitez:

Denis giurgiu

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


A friend in Romania told me about your tea because I`m suffering from a
 very strange allergy. I have pimples on my hole body and I cant stop
 I went from one doctor to another. The only thing they found out that I
 have an infection in my body but they cant find out where. I have a
 friend who is a naturalhealist and she told me because my leaver is not
 working 100 % my skin tries to absorb the toxin in my body. On top I
 have a histamine intolerance so I must be very careful with plants like
 the stinging nettle which is very famous to help to absorb toxins. So
 before I order can you guarantee that the tea doesn't include plant
 which contain histamine?

 For your soon answer I`ll be very thankful

 Best regards



What i can tell you is that the Deniplant tea has healed allergies made by
food or medicines.
it also healed problems like astm.. which sometimes is caused by other
So the plants from the tea don't contain histamines, but still i can't be
sure how your body will respond to the treatement with the tea since every
person's body respond diferently. I'm telling you all these things because
i don't want only to sell you the tea but also to help you fix your
they action on the intern causes that make these sicknesses appear and
also reglate the celular metabolism.
Your friend in Romania knows why he has recommended you this product
If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me again.

gheorghe giurgiu

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


My address is as follows:
 Union you the $400 Febuary 15th,but I want to know if preparing this tea
 is complicated.Can you please explain to me how to make it and I don'twant
 to hear that you will tell me after I get the medicine-I would like to
 knownow before I purchase the tea.A.P. 


It is the first licensed thea of medicinal plants, from Romania for the
treatment of internal cause of some skin sickness.
It is a powder witch was obtained from medicinal plants.
Psoriasis, Erythematosus lupus
Zona Zoster, Keratoses
Deniplant is for intern use in exclusivity.
It is preparing 750 ml of mixture witch is drinking everyday step by step.
There are not.
The medicinals plants are not toxics
There are not in a long time for using (2-3 years)
In report with the evolution of the disease in treatment. Generally,
between 6 months and 2 years.
Without diet or other restrictions.
Without ointment or other medicines for intern or extern use.
In a box ( treatment for a month)
A 1 gram(un pliculet) of powder a day
The recipes is this one:
In a 1000 ml of water put the 1 pliculet with plants and a lemon with
it’s skin. You boil it at small fire until there will be 750 ml.
After it gets cold( you let it from evening to morning) you take the
plants and the lemon, you sweet it with sugar or honey(preferably honey).
If you use sugar you put it in the water before boiling so it could pass
through boiling.
You will drink all the tea during the day step by step. Also in that day
you must eat the boiled lemon.
Every day you will repeat the treatment.
Without diet or other restrictions. If you had a diet you will have to
give up step by step in the time when you start the treatment with plants.
Without ointments or other medicines for intern or extern use. You must
give up ointments. As fast as better. If you don’t resist without
them , it can be possible, you will use at the beginning a cosmetic cream
without medicaments. If the cream isn’t too good you will use just
strict, the ointment you used before.
The healing is realised only by drinking the tea and healing the intern
Don't scratch the lesions. They will fell on their own easier. Every
time you get on them you long the healing time. You can shower every day
but don't scratch the lesions.
tel.:+40 21/2338973: or
+4 0744827881

> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To: "al paskie"
> Subject: Re: HELLO AGAIN
> Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 07:29:31 +0200 (EET)
> Ok, send me your address where i send the poket
> Sincerely
> Gheorghe Giurgiu
> All-right next month I will send you $400 for 6 months of the
> Deni-Plant
> treatment($360) and the $40 mail taxes.Respectfully,Al Paskie
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: HELLO
> > Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:31:38 +0200 (EET)
> >
> >
> > Hello
> > As i said in the other message the plants for the Deniplant tea
> cost
> > 60$
> > for one month, the mail taxes are 40$. these are also our prices
> from
> > Romania and from all over world. If you think this is expensive you
> > are
> > free to try other producst which are less expensive from all other
> > places
> > and countries.
> >
> > sincerely
> > gheorghe giurgiu
> >
> > Denis, did you get my last message?I want to use this tea, but can
> > you
> > > work withme on the price? Respectfully, Alex
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From:
> > > To: ""
> > > Subject: Re: HELLO
> > > Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 09:21:37 +0200 (EET)
> > >
> > >
> > > Dear A
> > > the Deniplant tea can help you, because it actions on the intern
> > > causes
> > > that develop and mentain psoriasis.
> > > In order to treat with Deniplant it ain't absolutely necessarily
> to
> > > be
> > > interned at a clinic. you can have this treatement at home
> > > If still you want to come in Romania at a clinic, we colaborate
> > with
> > > one
> > > at Sovata where is a base of treatement in which you can also use
> > > water
> > > and mud from lake Ursu plus the treatement with the tea Deniplant
> > > If you just want to order Deniplant you have to send us the money
> > by
> > > mail
> > > Western Union or Money Gram and when we receive the money we send
> > you
> > > the
> > > plants with the recipe( the way you prepaire the tea)
> > > The treatement for a month costs now 60 $ USD plus the mail taxes
> > > which
> > > are 40$ ( for a package below 1 kg)that means 100 $USD
> > > for example if you want to buy the tea for 2 months means you
> will
> > > have to
> > > send 120 $USD for the plants +the other 40$ for the mail taxes a
> > > total of
> > > 160$USD
> > >
> > > the address where you can send the money if you decide is:
> > >
> > > +40744827881
> > > +4021.2338973
> > >
> > > sincerely
> > > Denis Giurgiu
> > >

> > >
> > > dear denis,how are you? my name is al. i live in usa. i am 29
> and
> > > > have had psoriasis since i was 15.maybe its because of
> candida-i
> > > don't
> > > > know. i went to india in march and i cook up a herbal medicine
> > > every
> > > > night now.this medicine helped me to gain weight that i had
> lost
> > > and was
> > > > not able to put on otherwise, but i avoid dairy, wheat, meat,
> > sugar
> > > > because i will get intestinal spasms and i have a real bad case
> > of
> > > > psoriasis. do you think your plant can really help me out? do
> you
> > > offer
> > > > treatment at a clinic in romania? thank you for your
> > > > time.appreciatively,al
> > > >
> > > >


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Psoriasis in turkei

Dear Sir / Madam,
 My mother-in-law has psoriasis for some years. 3-4 months ago a friend of
 mine had suggested your products (his name is T. Z., he also uses
 your products) He brought us 3 months supply and my mother -in - law
 started using the product. Now she has finished the first products and
 wants to keep using the product.
 We are leaving in Istanbul and we want to get the product as soon as
 I kindly ask for your support and direction, please let me know following:
 1. for 3 months usage how many Deniplant packs should we purchase?
 2. how much will they cost? (I could not understand the details from your
 web page. There I see an opportunity of 33% worth free product but I could
 not understand how I deserve it. And it seems that it is not possible for
 me to apply on behalf of my mother in law (it says personal application)
 She doesn't speak English so I prefer to do anything on behalf of her.
 3. Can I use credit card for purchasing the goods?
 4. In how many days the products will be delivered to Istanbul?
 Thanks in advance for your help
 Kind Regards
 T. T.
 Trade Marketing Manager
 Kraft Foods Turkey
 00 90 ............................... - ( ext. 191 )
 00 90 .............................. mobile

Dear sir,
1. the treatement for three months means 3 packages of tea each one of them having 30 parts of plants
the cost for a package is 60$ that means that for three packages (tea for 3 months )you pay 180$ plus the mail taxes which are 45$
in total : 225$ usd
2.the opportunity of 33% free are not anymore available, not even for Romania, and the other facilities we offer there are for poor people from Romania.
So your mother-in-law can't apply for those facilities

3. I have nerver sent a package in turkey, usually the package arrives in maximum 30 days.

4. You can send the money by Western Union or Money Gram, not by credit card
the address where you have to send the money is;
ROMANIA cod 077191
5. After we receive the money, in the next day we send the package
if you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me,.


Gheorghe Giurgiu

Friday, January 11, 2008

Psoriasis in USA

dear denis,how are you? my name is alex. i live in usa. i am 29 and
 have had psoriasis since i was 15.maybe its because of candida-i don't
 know. i went to india in march and i cook up a herbal medicine every
 night now.this medicine helped me to gain weight that i had lost and was
 not able to put on otherwise, but i avoid dairy, wheat, meat, sugar
 because i will get intestinal spasms and i have a real bad case of
 psoriasis. do you think your plant can really help me out? do you offer
 treatment at a clinic in romania? thank you for your
alex paskie

Dear Alex
the Deniplant tea can help you, because it actions on the intern causes
that develop and mentain psoriasis.
In order to treat with Deniplant it ain't absolutely necessarily to be
interned at a clinic. you can have this treatement at home
If still you want to come in Romania at a clinic, we colaborate with one
at Sovata where is a base of treatement in which you can also use water
and mud from lake Ursu plus the treatement with the tea Deniplant
If you just want to order Deniplant you have to send us the money by mail
Western Union or Money Gram and when we receive the money we send you the
plants with the recipe( the way you prepaire the tea)
The treatement for a month costs now 60 $ USD plus the mail taxes which
are 40$ ( for a package below 1 kg)that means 100 $USD
for example if you want to buy the tea for 2 months means you will have to
send 120 $USD for the plants +the other 40$ for the mail taxes a total of

the address where you can send the money if you decide is:

Denis Giurgiu

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Medical Foundation the Hope, from Bucharest Romania.

My name is Gheorghe Giurgiu and I’m the president of the Medical Foundation the Hope, from Bucharest Romania.
E-mail Tel: +4021/2338973; +40/744827881

I treat the intern causes that produce the skin disease Psoriasis. About 2-4% of the people of the world suffers of this disease. So, with the help of the medicinal plants, without ointments or other medicines and without diet, the skin is healing on itself, eliminating the intern deficiencies that produce this sickness.
This way of treating is unique in the world nowadays and it’s also licensed in Romania.
When this sickness gets chronic, can cover about 90% of the surface of the body.
Usually in a healthy body, the ephitelial cell dies in about 28 days,but we don’t notice any changes.
In Psoriasis the ephitelial cells regenerate about 100 times faster and it appears a faster process of regenerating the epithelial tissue and the skin “falls” in bigger or smaller peels and in big quantities.
Cause I treat this sickness, I have patients that would like to get in Guinness World Records.
Those patients have collected a big quantity of destroyed skin. They want to know if there’s any record in this domain and if someone has collected a quantity of human skin.